Saturday, February 28, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

Chapter SIX Mind Mapping

Chapter Five Mind Mapping

My Ordeal throughout my school life

My Ordeals throughout My School Life

My ordeal started when I was in the Junior High School. On Friday afternoon, warm and scorch around 1: 30 pm by my friends wrist watch, we were close to school. My friend and I had no money for transportation back home. We therefore decided to go see my friend’s uncle for money. It was about 25miles from the school to where he resides. We had to walk to that place. On our way to my friend’s uncle’s place, we saw a lot of people gathered in front of the house and inside, many were those who were crying and very somber. Being not smart enough as young as we were, we went into the house and saw the wife of my friend’s uncle on the floor crying and swaying both her legs and hands on the floor. Thereafter something struck us and we had the notion that things were not in a good condition in the house. All that we heard was that my friend’s uncle was dead. That really made us feel bad and we even had tears running from our eyes. We had no choice but

to walk back home with pains and tears without getting what we had planned to go accomplished over there..

The distance was about a 50 minutes’ walk from there. We were able to walk to our various homes. I looked very tired and weak that was around 5pm and I had a lot to do since I was staying with my step mother, there was lot of things I need to do each and every day after my school. It was a hell of time staying with step mum’s in Africa. The first duty that I did was to help my step mum in pounding fufu, right after my long walk back home. I was able to accomplish that and had my part of the food. I then went for my books to learn, upon my learning in about ten minutes I was called by my step mum to come out and wash the dishes. I had to finish that around 9pm at that very day. I was really tired and had to leave my studies to my bed. Fufu ( this is a local food that is made from Cassava, the cassava is pill off and boil for about twenty minutes.This is then pound on a motar with the use of pestle) was the favorite food that we use to eat very much in the house and the family really enjoyed that without giving the needed consideration to my schooling or studies

Sometimes when I try to get myself early to the school, I find myself wanting around and fell as a victim of late coming. I was given some lashes for coming late; you are sometimes also given a portion of compound within the school to weed as a form of punishment. This can take about two days in completing and you will never set your foot to the class unless you are done with your work or punishment. I got myself in so many problems by not being able to do my assignment before class; I also received punishment as well. It was a hell of time going through all these problems. There was lack of me being unable to pay my tuition fee in full which sometimes led to the refusal of tutors allowing me to take part take exams during the end

of term. I had to fall out from classes and even sometimes cry to myself looking for help but to no avail. Anyway I was able to complete my High School and went into another level of my schooling that is Senior High School. I was 14yrs when I completed my Junior High School and because my dad was not ready to take me through that. I had to see myself in that level of education school.

I therefore went into child labor to make some money to see myself to the Senior High School. I sometimes go all out to ask my dad some basic needs and wants when I can’t get that by myself. He sometimes feels adamant to do that for me. Through my third year in the Senior High School, I had a scholarship, which really helped me not to pay any tuition fee. I really learnt a lot throughout my life in the Senior High School, nevertheless I was able to combine the activities at home and that of my schooling since I was addicted with the kind of work that I undergo each and every time from school. It was really a tedious thing to do but I had to do it to survive for my future. I was able to graduate from my Senior High School with dramatic good grades, I was really proud of myself. I was now looking for the chance to see myself in the University or Polytechnic. I surely knew that it wasn’t going to be easy but I had my head above the ocean. I had to work and work harder to save money for this adventurous life of mine; I was by then twenty years of age. Through the thin and thick of life I made it to the Polytechnic and took a course in Health Science Laboratory Technician for one and half years and had Diploma in that field of study. I had to go for attachment with a renowned hospital for eight to nine months after which I applied to work in one private Laboratory .I was able to raise some money and had to teach some students as well during my leisure time

I had thought wisely about my country and realized that I have to go into business study program. I then decided to drop the laboratory stuff and get myself into the University. It was not easy for me since I was not having any background in business from both my Junior High School and Senior High School. I knew I had to learn hard to see myself through, which I did but was not on a silver platter looking at the hurdles that I will encounter during my study programme. It was a determination and courage that I had and which made me see myself throughout my studies in the University. Today look at where I am now, who am I not to say that determination is the key to success but before you succeed, you will need to pass through some ordeals. Now I see the bright future for myself and surely will i make it down here before getting back home to Ghana.

Thank You

Tuesday, February 10, 2009